慶應版 COVID-19メンタルケアマニュアル
このような状況を受け、慶應義塾大学医学部 精神・神経科学教室では、COVID-19によるメンタルヘルスの不調をきたした方々へ対応するための医療従事者(各診療科医師、看護師、薬剤師など)に向けたマニュアルを作成しました。
本マニュアルの作成に当たっては、COVID-19 セルフケアワークブック(当科COVID-19 こころのケアチーム作成)、WHOや世界各国の公的機関が作成したマニュアルや関連論文を参考としました。
慶應版 COVID-19メンタルケアマニュアルはこちらからダウンロード
COVID-19 Mental Care Manual, Keio University edition
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused serious health problems around the world.However, for many front-line medical service professionals, carers feel at a loss when faced with people’s mental health needs due to the lack of specialist doctors and psychologists who can provide quality care for mental health problems caused by COVID-19.
In response to this epidemic situation, the Department of Neuropsychiatry, Keio University School of Medicine, has created a manual to assist health-care professionals (doctors in other specialties, nurses, pharmacists, etc.) in caring for people with mental health problems caused by COVID-19.
In creating this manual, we referred to the manual prepared by the COVID-19-related Stress Care Team at the Department of Neuropsychiatry at Keio University, and related manuals and papers prepared by the World Health Organization (WHO) and other relevant organizations worldwide.
Furthermore, as part of the 27th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society of Transcultural Psychiatry held on 14–15 November 2020, Keio University, and the WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, and the Japanese Young Psychiatrists Organization (JYPO) jointly held a symposium. During the symposium, young mental health specialists from various countries reported on their current situation. A feature of this manual is that it incorporates the needs and opinions presented at the symposium and provides easy-to-understand guidance that is relevant to the field.
We hope that this manual will help health-care professionals everywhere deal with COVID-19 while protecting their own health.
COVID-19 Mental Care Manual, Keio University editionDownload